Vidi sve - Strojevi Za Obradu Drveta Ponude

Sušač (Kanalni), BASCHILD, Nova

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Kategorija Drying, Steaming and impregnation of solid timber
Katalog Sušač (Kanalni)
Model CFK


Stanje dobra Nova
Godina proizvodnje 2024
Količina 1+ Претвори
The product line BASCHILD CFK includes continuous wood drying tunnels, counterflow specifically.
The drying concept consists of moving the wood through different climate zones. The two flow flows are opposite to each other, so that the latent heat of the outgoing wood heats the incoming wood, while the humidity of the incoming wood conditions the outgoing wood. Significant energy savings are achieved through the intertwining of air flows.

The CFK kilns dry softwood specially, from different thickness and board lenght, from green timber till 10-12% of moisture.

The productivity of each tunnel goes from 30.000 to 100.000 m3/Year.

All drying tunnels are custom designed and configured according to the specific needs and the wood to be treated.

Timber is loaded onto wagons via forklift, which moves forward automatically along the tunnel thanks to a system of pushers.

The software BASCHILD ZOOM makes the drying process fully automatic.

Technical features
aluminum alloy structure, wrought by using Numerical Control Machines (CNC) and standardized to withstand a snow load of more than 250 kg/m2 and winds of more than 150 km/h;
interior walls in aluminum and/or in stainless steel, assembled on the installation site and sealed together;
inner insulation in rock wool with a minimum thickness of 100 mm;
exterior cladding in aluminum with a special anti-oxidation treatment;
screws and bolts in stainless steel;
stainless steel and extruded aluminum heat exchangers;
stainless steel distribution system with the standardized thickness of 25/10 mm;
exchangers, welded in robotized cell and tested at 50 bar, can be powered by water, steam or diathermic oil;
reversible ventilation driven by inverter, with fans made of stainless steel and high pressure and capacity aluminum.

Cene i uslovi

Cijena Na zahtjev EUR Претвори
Prodaj: Širom svijeta


Zlatni član
13-ti   Godina

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