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The following prices were recorded for teak log sales during competitive bidding on 26th and 29th July during the Myanma Timber Enterprise tender.... [više ...]
The Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry (MOECAF) has established a Myanmar forest certification committee (MFCC) which replaces the old Myanmar timber certification committee.... [više ...]
The following prices were recorded for teak log sales during competitive bidding on 21st and 24th June 2013 during the Myanma Timber Enterprise tender. The next tender sale is in late July.... [više ...]
Myanmar Timber Enterprise (MTE) is drastically cutting its annual harvesting. MTE is still the sole agency responsible for harvesting, extraction and distribution of logs in Myanmar. This reduction in harvest is said to be with a view to stopping the decline in forest cover in the country.... [više ...]
The following prices were recorded for teak log sales during competitive bidding on 21st and 24th June 2013 during the Myanma Timber Enterprise tender.... [više ...]
Analysts report that demand for teak logs is currently slow with India, the main buyer, apparently unable to absorb any further shipments at present. The market for pyinkado and gurjan is even quieter than that for teak.... [više ...]