India: Teak auction prices firm

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Auctions at forest depots in the South Dangs Division have been concluded. Around 17,000 cubic metres of teak and other hardwoods were offered for sale.

Participants in the auction commented that the quality of the logs was good and most of the logs sold briskly. Only a few lots remained unsold as the buyers felt that the reserve prices for these lots were too high.

Average prices recorded at the most recent auction are as follows:

Teak logs Per cubic foot
A for sawing Rs.2200-2300
B for sawing Rs. 2100-2200
A Long length Rs. 1900-2000
B Long length Rs. 1600-1800
Long length, Medium Quality Rs. 1600-1800
Short Length, Medium Quality Rs. 1200-1500
Short Length, small logs Rs. 1000-1200

Variations are based on quality, length and average girth of logs

Good quality non-teak hardwood logs 3-4 metre long having girths 91cms and up of haldu (Adina cordifolia), laurel (Terminalia tomentosa), kalam (Mitragyna parviflora) and Pterocarpus marsupium attracted prices in the range of Rs. 800-900 per cubic foot. Medium quality logs went for between Rs.300-350 per cubic foot.

Prices for imported plantation teak, C&F Indian ports

Prices are unchanged from the end of September.

  US$ per m3
Angola logs 459-574
Belize logs 350-400
Benin logs 304-628
Benin sawn 530-872
Brazil logs 370-596
Brazil squares 370-556
Cameroon logs 405-538
Colombia logs 262-811
Congo logs 451-500
Costa Rica logs 320-780
Côte d'Ivoire logs 277-552
Ecuador squares 330-564
El-Salvador logs 381-934
Ghana logs 273-500
Guatemala logs 360-646
Guyana logs 300-450
Uganda teak sawn 680-900
Kenya logs 515-600
Laos logs 300-605
Liberia logs 265-460
Malaysian logs 225-516
Nicaragua logs 402-505
Panama logs 381-430
PNG logs 443-575
Sudan logs 468-620
Tanzania, teak, sawn 307-613
Thailand logs 511-700
Togo logs 354-542
Trinidad and Tobago logs 557-680
Uganda logs 411-542
Uganda Teak sawn 680-900

Variations are based on quality, length and average girth of logs

Prices for locally sawn hardwoods

Despite the otherwise gloomy prospects in the sawnwood market some price increases have been reported.

Sawnwood, (Ex-mill) (AD) Rs. per ft3
Red Meranti
Radiata pine AD

Variations are based on quality, length and average girth of logs

Myanmar teak logs sawn in India

No price movements have been reported

Sawnwood (Ex-mill) Rs. per ft3
Myanmar Teak (AD)  
Export Grade F.E.Q.
Plantation Teak A grade
Plantation Teak B grade
Plantation Teak FAS grade

Price variations depend mainly on length and cross section

Prices for imported sawnwood (KD 12%) 

Sawnwood, (Ex-warehouse) (KD) Rs per ft3
Beech 1400-1450
Sycamore 1400-1450
Red oak 1500-1650
White Oak 1600-1800
American Walnut 2400-3000
Hemlock clear grade 1300-1400
Hemlock AB grade 1200-1300
Western Red Cedar 1600-1650
Douglas Fir 1250-1350

Price variations depend mainly on length and cross section.

Domestic plywood prices

Prices for WBP Marine grade plywood from domestic mills

Plywood, Rs per sq.ft
Ex-warehouse. (MR Quality)  
4 mm 39.50
6 mm 52.50
9 mm 66.50
12 mm 82.00
15 mm 109.00
18 mm 114.50


Domestic ex-warehouse prices for locally manufactured MR plywood

Locally Manufactured
Plywood “Commercial
Rs per sq.ft
  Rubberwood Hardwood
4mm Rs.20.00 Rs.29.60
6mm Rs.30.30 Rs.38.00
8mm Rs.38.20 Rs.46.00
12mm Rs.45.40 Rs.55.80
15mm Rs.55.80 Rs.68.00
19mm RS.64.60 Rs.76.30
5mm Flexible ply Rs.40.00  
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