Fordaq and Global Traceability announce launch of EUDR Platform

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Fordaq, the leading online market for wood professionals based in Brussels, Belgium, and Global Traceability Solutions are launching today Radix Tree, an intuitive digital platform that enables players in the wood products industry to comply with EUDR.

“Global Traceability has a long experience serving the EUTR needs of importers of wood products. The new Radix Tree Platform provides all the features needed to document supply chains, mitigate risks and provide the traceability information needed for EUDR. We have reviewed a large part of the solutions on the market and are confident of our choice to work with Global Traceability. We hope that together we will be able to serve the needs of our clients to comply with EUDR.”, said Benoit Nieuwenhuys, CEO of Fordaq SA.

Mr. Ulrich Heindl, Managing Director of Global Traceability Solutions remarked: “Fordaq has a huge footprint in the wood trade worldwide and especially in Europe. We look forward to working together to distribute Radix Tree to importers of wood products in Europe and their suppliers worldwide.”

About Fordaq

Fordaq SA owns the leading online marketplace for the forest & wood transformation industry worldwide, . More than 210.000 companies worldwide use Fordaq’s services to trade wood products and access to news about the industry. Fordaq is also a fast growing provider of technology solutions to the forest and wood transformation industry.

For more information, visit: or find Fordaq in person at FIMMA Maderalia (level 3, pavillon. 4, stand B59), Xylexpo (hall 1, stand D25) or Carrefour du Bois (stand XXL-H30).

About Global Traceability Solutions

Global Traceability Solutions has been supporting companies with supply chain compliance with national and international legislations, starting from the EU Timber Regulation since its inception more than 10 years ago, in 2013. It has built on its extensive knowledge of the regulatory landscape and global traceability at large to provide its customers with the next-generation platform, rich in functions and automation, to make compliance with the EU Deforestation Regulation much easier, safer and cost-effective.

For more information, visit:

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